The Singularity And Me

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The Singularity And Me

Post by thatalex »

aicontentisbad.jpg (122.03 KiB) Viewed 585 times
It seems that every time I find something I'm good at, a computer can do it cheaper! Not better. But cheaper. And faster.

This happened a few years back with outreach research, and now AI content is taking over the internet too. In fact a lot of groups already are one big circle-jerk of ChatGPT generated content, and some of the groups and profiles are AI as well. Dead Internet Theory isn't true yet but it will be soon.

There are ways to spot AI-generated content, but they rely on the intuition (and familiarity with the relevant program) of the beholder. With most demographics that's not a tenable way to limit the spread of this malignantly mediocre beige AI text.

What will be left when the internet is just AIs talking over people?
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Re: The Singularity And Me

Post by sharoma »

This is why I avoid most of the Internet now. News articles, even ones written by people, became lazy a long time ago. It's not uncommon to see glaring typos in BBC articles. I also hate how each paragraph is them just telling you the same thing with different phrasing. I go to an article for data, data they tease in the headline. Usually the data isn't there or they make you wade through repeated content before you can get to it. Twitter is probably mostly AI talking over people. I would suggest any sane person delete their account and move on.

Now that automatic registration is closed, I can at least guarantee this forum is completely free of AI posted content!
Robin Sharrock
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Re: The Singularity And Me

Post by thatalex »

Yeah to be fair journalistic standards have been falling steadily our whole lifetimes through! Add to that the scurge of the clickbaits and teases favoured by sub-editors. I remember reading a long and woolly article picking a minor fault in Darwin's (century-old) biology which was very incidental to his actual Theory of Evolution.... That was titled "WHY DARWIN WAS WRONG."

Such flamebaiting is probably killing the internet. I read the article and left an angry-react and a snarky comment about the editor and the bloody useless know-nothing of an author too. It was probably what they were going for. The Guardian don't do science or history well and their best investigative reporting was years ago under Alan Rusbridger, since then nothing. I have to wonder if they've become an unwitting Russian pasteboard since being bought by a "liberal" oligarch. They could be pushing identity politics and trans rights harder than ever purely as a divide-and-rule thing...

That leaves the I newspaper as a genuine leftwing voice of sorts. Only it has no investigative reporters.

The British press is a far-right cartel with the left as carping pearl-clutchers on the sidelines doing nothing.

I hate it.

How do we burst the colossal bubble that 50+% of the UK lives in when nothing critical of the Conservatives or the fascist pivot the UK is taking since Austerity will be printed by the brokers of information that matter?
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